{%- assign alt_image_term = ''-%}
{%- if alt_image_term != '' -%}
{%- for image in product.images -%}
{%- assign downcase_image = image | downcase -%}
{%- assign downcase_term = alt_image_term | downcase -%}
{%- if downcase_image contains downcase_term -%}
{%- assign alt_image = image -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% if product.hover_image != blank %}
{% assign badges = productBadges | where: 'type', 'image' %}
{% assign exclusion_badge = false %}
{% assign active_collection_exclusion = false %}
{% if exclusion_badge != false and collection and collection.handle != 'search' %}
{% assign active_collection_exclusion = true %}
{% endif %}
{% for badge in badges %}
{% assign excluded_collections = badge.excluded_collection | replace: ', ', ',' | replace: ' ,', ',' %}
{% assign collection_to_check = collection.handle %}
{% if excluded_collections contains ',' %}
{% assign excluded_collections = excluded_collections | split: ',' %}
{% endif %}
{% if active_collection_exclusion %}
{% unless excluded_collections contains collection_to_check %}
{% if product.tags contains badge.tag %}
{% assign badge_style = '' %}
{% assign badge_style_mobile = '' %}
{% if badge.image_width != 0 %}
{% assign badge_style = badge_style | append: '--badge-image-width: ' | append: badge.image_width | append: 'px;' %}
{% endif %}
{% if badge.image_width_mobile != 0 %}
{% assign badge_style_mobile = badge_style_mobile | append: '--badge-image-width-mobile: ' | append: badge.image_width_mobile | append: 'px;' %}
{% endif %}
{% if badge.image_width != 0 or badge.image_width_mobile != 0%}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% else %}
{% if product.tags contains badge.tag %}
{% assign badge_style = '' %}
{% assign badge_style_mobile = '' %}
{% if badge.image_width != 0 %}
{% assign badge_style = badge_style | append: '--badge-image-width: ' | append: badge.image_width | append: 'px;' %}
{% endif %}
{% if badge.image_width_mobile != 0 %}
{% assign badge_style_mobile = badge_style_mobile | append: '--badge-image-width-mobile: ' | append: badge.image_width_mobile | append: 'px;' %}
{% endif %}
{% if badge.image_width != 0 or badge.image_width_mobile != 0%}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if product.hover_video contains 'https' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ product.title | split: ' - ' | first }}
{% if product.title contains ' - ' %}{{ product.title | split: ' - ' | last }}
{% endif %}
{% if product.compare_at_price > product.price %}
{{ product.compare_at_price | money | remove: " " | remove: ".00" }}
{% endif %}
{{ product.price | money | remove: " " | remove: ".00" }}
{% for badge in productBadges | where: 'type', 'text' %}
{% assign excluded_collections = badge.excluded_collection | replace: ', ', ',' | replace: ' ,', ',' %}
{% assign collection_to_check = collection.handle %}
{% if excluded_collections contains ',' %}
{% assign excluded_collections = excluded_collections | split: ',' %}
{% endif %}
{% unless excluded_collections contains collection_to_check %}
{% if product.tags contains badge.tag and badge.item != blank %}
{{ badge.item }}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}