Just like all of us, the moon is constantly changing. Moving through all 12 zodiac signs over the course of a four-week period, its transformation is well-known to Earth-dwellers, and according to astrology, we can utilize its patterns to facilitate our own personal growth. The lunar cycle can be broken up into four distinct phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. By understanding the moon’s cycles, you can plan out when to implement new habits and life changes, versus when it might be better to rest, lay low and take it easy. By working with the moon, you’ll notice that your goals, desires, actions and energy are in flow with the universe. Below, we’ve put together a helpful guide to each lunar phase and the tools you can use to work in congruence with them.
During this first lunar phase, the moon is not visible and it’s often the lowest energy period of the entire month. The new moon typically represents an ending of one chapter in order to start fresh for the next four weeks to follow. If you’re looking to implement a different habit, mindset or make changes for yourself, set the intention to do so at the new moon. It may also be that various opportunities or relationships start to form at this time, and the foundation you create at the new moon will continue to grow over the coming days.
For a simple new moon ritual, you’ll first want to get quiet and be by yourself. Lighting a candle or putting on relaxing, meditative music can help to clear your mind and create a calm environment. Try jotting down a list or journaling about what you want to work toward over the coming days. Write down what you want to happen in the present tense, so you can embody the feeling of what it is like to achieve that specific goal or mindset. You may want to focus your thoughts on anything you’ve been meaning to do for a while but have kept putting off for a later date. How can you take action steps this month to get to where you want to be?