On Growing Up in South Africa:
I grew up in a small town called Pietermaritzburg – my high school only had 300 kids in total! I spent a lot of time outside playing sports & eating Indian food (my dad's side of the family is half Indian). Fun fact: The highest population of Indians outside of India is actually in South Africa!
Best Advice Your Mother Gave You:
The best advice I probably got from my mom was to keep moving forward! To approach every situation with love even when it's not reciprocated. It allowed me to always handle situations with grace, courage and compassion.
When You Fell in Love With Music:
I believe I fell in love with music the first time I picked up a guitar at eight years old. I do however have a fond memory before that, during my preschool years specifically. They used to have a segment in the day where they would play upbeat music and I would sing, dance and play "air guitar" the entire time!
On Becoming a Singer:
My sister was actually the one who initially pushed me to pursue singing and a career as an artist. I don't think I would have come out of my shell if it wasn't for her! Shortly after recording my first song ever in the studio, the song ended up topping the charts on radio, which led me to opening up for Justin Bieber’s Purpose Tour!
What Inspires Your Lyrics:
Most of my lyrics are inspired by events in my life and things that I have either lived or observed about the world. For me, it's the easiest way to write and stay true to my authenticity as an artist.