Q: What inspires you to be creative?
A: As a Black person with Brazilian blood and soul, dance and body movements inspire the flow of my creativity. My experiences and cultural heritage have been a huge influence for my creativity. The rich history and resilience of my community, as well as the ongoing fight for representation and equality, have given me a deep well of inspiration to draw from. Also, being exposed to a diverse range of perspectives and art forms has helped open my eyes and think outside the box. I am also constantly motivated by the idea that my art can serve as a form of self-expression and a way to make a positive impact on my community and society as a whole.
Q: Who is your biggest inspiration?
A: My mother has been a constant source of strength, support and guidance throughout my journey. From a young age, she has inspired me with a strong sense of determination and the belief that I could be anything I wanted to. She has always been an advocate for my dreams, and her love and encouragement have been instrumental in helping me to pursue my passions and reach my goals. Her love and guidance have been invaluable to me, and I am grateful to have her as my mother and my biggest inspiration.
Q: Black is beautiful because:
A: It is, it has always been and it will always be, there is no “because.” Black is beautiful, Black is excellence, Black is resilience and is beyond what words can describe, you can only feel it.