PAIGE: The first time I worked with you guys must have been like, eight years ago. I mean, it was a long, long time ago. Yeah, I was a freshie.
JJ: Yeah. It's so funny. I feel like, as you get older, people stop aging. Not to be like fucking Matthew McConaughey, but it seems like I’m the only person around me that gets older and everybody else I know is still the same. But you guys have also grown with Anna and stuff, which is just funny.
PAIGE: I know, I was thinking about that. I was like, wow, it's this sort of amazing, beautiful thing to watch MOTHER grow and change as a company. And then at the same time, that's happening with myself and you guys are getting to witness, it feels like this very familial sort of experience.
JJ: Yeah, it was great, seeing you in that image and thinking – that's so perfect for what we're about. I felt like that image told the story of MOTHER in one shot. Then, getting to work with you I thought, this chick's fucking rad. She's hilarious. For all of you out there reading this, modeling ain't just looking pretty. It requires comedic timing. I feel like it requires understanding the attitude of the shot, right? Like, this should feel melancholy or tough…
PAIGE: I think it's also understanding the brand you're working for, the people that you're around, and how that makes you feel. It's all very emotional and I try to mirror that in an authentic way. But then, obviously, that doesn't always work. I feel like we got really lucky where we all just kind of saw eye to eye. It's like, oh yeah, of course this worked because we're creatively aligned in some sort of way – having worked together for so long and just as human beings. We just all get along. That's why the relationship has been so nice.