When you’re looking at herbal remedies to bring balance into your body, mentally, spiritually, or physically, you want to taste the herb. That will help signal to the rest of the body what actions are going to happen. Herbal remedies in a capsule are sometimes helpful if it’s really gross tasting, but a lot of times your body’s not tasting that — you’re swallowing it and your body isn’t able to process if it is of good quality. My recommendation is in a form in which you taste, so that could be herbal teas and tinctures.
You can make sun tea or moon tea. I like to brew some flowers in room temperature water under the full moon. There are certain plants that are more connected with the moon and, on a full moon night, I fill a quart jar with water and put in some jasmine flowers that I collected because that’s a very good moon cooling type of herb. Then, drink it in the morning and the rest of the day. For sun tea, put it out in the morning and bring it in the evening at the end of the day — one day is really good for brewing sun tea. You can use tea bags or just put the herbs in loose and strain them out with a sieve after.